A bright beginning for every child
Allied Health Assistant Program
AHA's provide the option for more frequent support in order to work towards therapy goals more quickly, more intensively or both. They often work with clients in the school, ELC, kinder or home environment to be able to actively target specific goals and can provide support in a variety of ways:
AHA Intensives: AHAs can offer a more concentrated therapy regimen than what the speech pathologist might manage alone, guaranteeing dedicated and personalised attention to your child's needs and goals.
Parent/Educator Support: AHA's demonstrate and reinforce effective strategies for parents, caregivers and/or educators, empowering them to apply these techniques in various settings. This cooperative method enhances the overall efficacy of the therapy.
Generalisation of Skills: AHA's aid in skill generalisation by assisting clients in applying newly acquired skills from therapy to real-world settings like their homes or classrooms. This facilitates a smooth transition from therapy sessions to practical situations.
Environmental Observations: AHA's conduct observations and activities in the client's everyday surroundings, identifying potential communication barriers or aids. This valuable insight is then relayed to the speech pathologist for a more comprehensive and targeted intervention.
Time Efficiency: By aiding in certain therapy components, AHA's enable speech pathologists to devote more time to intricate tasks, thereby optimising the quality of care provided to each child.
Cost Efficiency: AHA's are able to provide more frequent support more cost effectively.
Early Intervention Focus: AHA's concentrate on recognising communication barriers or aids in diverse everyday settings, enhancing early intervention efforts for children. Their collaboration with speech pathologists ensures a tailored and specialised approach to each child's unique goals.